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Submission Guidelines

Not every Creative Agency is created equal. At Emerald Literary Agency we tell your story right. We also know that the best results come from having the right people working on the right project. Our team offers expertise in various areas of Creative Agency services, which is why each client is matched with a suitable group of experts to help them achieve their goals. With our proven strategies, your business is bound for wild success.

TO SUBMIT: Please send us a query email that briefly describes your project as well as any personal or professional information that may be relevant to you or your body of work. For instance, any awards you have won, regular media appearances you make, and/or professional or academic affiliations you may have. Include the word "QUERY" in the subject line of your email. Please also include the first 5-10 pages of the work you are submitting. It must be pasted into the body of your email. We look forward to reviewing your work 

Outdoor Study Group


Large Plasma


Emerald Literary Agency


Submission: Services
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